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3x ETF 21 Day Free Trial

Thank you for trying out our free 21 day Trial for The 3x ETF Trader service!

Free for 21 days then $40 a month

Important Links :

Best Practices Guide :  CLICK HERE  (Must read)

Sample Morning Report   CLICK HERE

Sample Alert  CLICK HERE

Recent Track Record   CLICK HERE

Register here for the 21 day all inclusive trial

$0 then $40 a month

Subscriber Instructions after registration:  CLICK HERE

You can cancel prior to renewal and if you choose not to continue and accidentally renew I will promptly refund you!

  • This service has been online since November 2019 originally on as a Premium Room
  • We have a track record online of over 70% of our 3x ETF swing trades being closed for profits since inception.  Why? What we do is different than what you have been taught as a trader.
  • I have used Human Behavioral patterns for many years to trade stocks, indexes, futures, and ETF’s with success.  We incorporate my Elliott Wave and Fibonacci pattern analysis along with a few other indicators to best attempt to time entry and exit into 3x ETF trades over shorter windows of time.

A typical 3x ETF swing trade has a few elements:

  1.  The initial tranche of scale in position of the trade is 10% allocation.  If we later decide to add to this swing trade position, we will alert another tranche to get to a 20% position.
  2. All trades come out with specific trade parameters including Entry ranges to use, Stop losses if appropriate, and Targets for profits.
  3. Every morning you will get a pre-market morning report to your Email and in the Online members section both.  This report details the market conditions, charts on SP 500 and or NASDAQ possible with projections, notes on what 3x ETF’s we are monitoring for a possible entry and price ranges I’m watching, updates on all existing 3x ETF positions in the service, and Action Items for members.
  4. You will get an Email, Post, and Text messsage for any new swing trade alerts

  • You should read the best practices guide after joining and Email me if any questions at
  • After 21 days you can choose to continue the service. The 30 day subscription is $40 and renewed automatically but you can cancel at anytime. Also we offer an Annual subscription as well that saves you money over 12 months at just $395

Recently Closed Trades:
12/4- Sold Final 1/2 LABU for 32% Gains (66 to 87.20)
12/5- Sold BITX for 22-25% gains (20 to 25)
12/6-  ERX stopped out for 12% loss
12/6- TNA sold for 11% Gains *28.60 to 31.92
12/13- Sold SOXL for 20% gains 23.30 to 28
1/2- Sold 1/2 BITX for 12-13%+ gains 24-27
1/12- Sold 1/2 SOXL for 11% Gains (25.50-28.40)
1/16- Stopped out NUGT for 13% Loss (32.95 to 29)
1/17- Sold TQQQ for 8.9% Gains (45 to 49)
1/17- Stopped out BITX for 6% Loss on final 1/2 (24 to 22.50)
2/9- Sold 1/2 SPXL for 13% Gains (105 to 119.xx)
2/9- Sold SOXL for 11% Gains (*34.30 to 39)
2/16- Sold 1/2 YINN for 8% Gains (16.30 to 17.60 per rules)
2/23- Sold Final 1/2 YINN for 22% Gains (16.30 to 20)
2/27- Sold 1/2 TNA for 8% Gains (36.30 to 39.20)
3/1- Sold ERX for 7.7% Gains (55.70 to 60)
3/4- Sold Final 1/2 TNA for 13% Gains (36.30 to 41.25)
3/12- Sold 1/2 YINN for 13% gains (17.90 to 20.34)
4/4- Stopped out TQQQ for 6% Loss
4/8- Sold 1/2 BITX for 18% Gains (46.40 to 53.75)
4/9- Stopped out TNA for 8 % Loss (40.40 to 37.12)
April 2024-  Sold BITX for Break Even on final 1/2 (46 to 46 stop)
April 2024-  Stopped out TQQQ for 6% Loss
April 2024- Stopped out  LABU for break even (106 to 106 stop)
5/1/24- Sold LABU for 15-16% Gains (92 to 106.50)
5/6/24- Sold TQQQ for 11% Gains (51.40 to 57)
5/15/24- Sold SOXL for 12.6% gains (40.40 to 45.50)

We are not investment advisors. In all cases you should consult a financial advisor when making investment decisions.  Our content is for informational purposes only and we do not give personal investment advice.  We may buy, sell, hold or trade around any securities mentioned at anytime with or without prior notice. All members are subject to our Terms of Service Agreement.